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Jcode分類 / NDC分類 類目表(1次区分)/ NDC分類 綱目表(2次区分)

cn4-13-026042-1 State and Society in China; Japanese Perspectives on Ming-Qing Social and Economic HistoryGrove.Linda・Daniels.C.編東京大学出版会- [書誌]
cn4-13-047067-1 Japanese Economy and Society under Pax-Americana渋谷博・丸山真人・矢坂雅充編東京大学出版会- [書誌]
cn4-13-068137-0 Health and Illness in Changing Japanese Society園田恭一東京大学出版会- [書誌]
cn4-263-40112-3 歯学概論総山孝雄医歯薬出版 [書誌]
cn4-269-12010-X New Society.TheCarr.E.H.英宝社 [書誌]
cn4-269-16012-8 Society and Values in the United StatesLuedtke.Luther S.英宝社 [書誌]
cn4-269-17015-8 Japanese.The; SocietyReischauer.E.O.英宝社 [書誌]
cn4-269-42034-0 Health and Society Today有村兼彬・園部治之他編英宝社 [書誌]
cn4-271-10147-8 Open Society.TheAllen.J.大阪教育図書Contemporary English Series 47 [書誌]
cn4-327-38437-2 中・上級用日本語テキスト 日本の社会と経済を読む東照二・小川邦彦・西蔭浩子研究社- [書誌]
cn4-431-70040-4 How Should Elderly Hypertensive Patients Be Treated?; Proceedings of Satellite Symposium to the 12th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension.May 1988.KyotoOmae.T.・Zanchetti.A.編シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京(イースタン・ブック・サーヴィス) [書誌]
cn4-431-70060-9 Trace Elements in Clinical Medicine; Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the International Society for Trace Elements Research in Humans.August 1989.TokyoTomita.H.編シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京(イースタン・ブック・サーヴィス) [書誌]
cn4-431-70121-4 Recent Advances in Diseases of the Esophagus; Selected Papers in 5th World Congress of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus.Kyoto.Japan.1992Nabeya.K.・Hanaoka.T.・Nogami.H.編シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京(イースタン・ブック・サーヴィス) [書誌]
cn4-538-76096-X White Paper on Labour 1996; Coping with Structural Changes in Economic Society through Fostering of Human Resources and Utilization of Their AbilitiesMinistry of Labour.The編日本労働研究機構- [書誌]
cn4-7553-0307-9 American Society Up-to-Date; Audio-Visual English with 15 News Topics安吉逸季編著音羽書房鶴見書店- [書誌]
cn4-7647-3610-1 Japan and the World; Issues in Contemporary SocietySilva.A.金星堂- [書誌]
cn4-7647-3707-8 Science.Technology and SocietyHodgson.Peter金星堂- [書誌]
cn4-7700-0959-3 Day Man Lost.The; Hiroshima.6 August 1945 (Paper)Pacific War Research Society編Kodansha International- [書誌]
cn4-7700-1995-5 Straitjacket Society (Paper)Miyamoto.MasaoKodansha International- [書誌]
cn4-7890-0895-9 日本を話そう〔第2版〕日鉄ヒューマンデベロプメント・日本外国語専門学校ジャパンタイムズ- [書誌]
cn4-7919-1249-7 Language in SocietyWardhaugh(R)成美堂- [書誌]
cn4-7919-4054-7 Progress in Our World; Technology.Environment and Societyアラム(ポール・H)・山村三郎成美堂- [書誌]
cn4-7972-2171-2 企業活動の刑事規制松原英世信山社出版Low & Society Debut Series 1 [書誌]
cn4-7972-3083-5 Legal Cultures in Human Society千葉正士信山社出版- [書誌]
cn4-8034-1174-3 Controversial Issues in Modern Society高野嘉明・人見憲司・高野由美子編注鷹書房弓プレス(弓プレス) [書誌]
cn4-8053-0489-8 Japanese SocietyNakane.C.C.E.TuttleTUT Books [書誌]
cn4-8341-0167-3 Self & Society仲野良俊編真宗大谷派宗務所出版部- [書誌]
cn4-8411-1481-5 Face of America. People and Society永田俊正・Branch.S.編著山口書店- [書誌]
cn4-87424-245-6 Studies in Language Sciences 2Shirai Yasuhiro・Kobayashi Harumi・Shirai Hidetoshi編くろしお出版- [書誌]
cn4-87798-109-8 子どもたちにアムネスティをAsianPeople'sFriendshipSociety編現代人文社- [書誌]
cn4-88261-549-5 The Japanese Society(ザ・ジャパニーズ・ソサエティ)中野秀一郎信山社出版- [書誌]
cn4-88319-012-9 Gates to Japan: Its People and Society、 2nd Rev.Ed.板坂元スリーエーネットワーク- [書誌]
cn4-88361-058-6 Cuiture in a Giobal Societyフォルカー(グレイク・アラン)三恵社- [書誌]
cn4-88907-019-2 Deciding the Public Good: Governance and Civil Society in JapanYamamoto.Tadashi編日本国際交流センター- [書誌]
cn4-88907-051-6 Role of Civil Society in Domestic and International Governance、 TheAsia Pacific Agenda Project・Japan Center for International Exchange編日本国際交流センターThe JCIE Papers-29 [書誌]
cn4-88996-042-2 How to Draw Manga 1Society for the Study of Manga Techniques日本出版貿易(グラフィック社) [書誌]
cn4-88996-044-9 How to Draw Manga 2Society for the Study of Manga Techniques日本出版貿易(グラフィック社) [書誌]
cn4-88996-045-7 How to Draw Manga 3Society for the Study of Manga Techniques日本出版貿易(グラフィック社) [書誌]
cn4-89656-110-4 Society.Economics.and Politics in Pre-Angkor Cambodia.The 7th-8th CenturiesVickery.Michaelユネスコ東アジア文化研究センターCEACS Monographs 8 [書誌]
cn4-89656-908-3 Home Bound.Studies in East Asian Society中根千枝・喬健編ユネスコ東アジア文化研究センターCEACS Monographs 5 [書誌]
cn4-89989-050-8 Dialectic of Praxis黒田寛一あかね図書販売(解放社) [書誌]
cn4-89989-059-1 On Organizing Praxis.The Revolutionary Marxist Movement in Postwar Japan黒田寛一あかね図書販売(解放社) [書誌]
cn4-89989-065-6 Studies on Marxism in postwar Japan黒田寛一あかね図書販売(解放社) [書誌]
cn4-906472-21-4 Japanese Society. The中野秀一郎ライフリサーチプレス- [書誌]
cn4-91-598814-7 Art & SocietyKinoshita. Yukiko青磁書房- [書誌]
cn4-946478-02-7 Intractable Neurological Disorders. Human Genome Research and Society; Proceedings of the Third International Bioethics Seminar in Fukui. Japan. 19-21 November. 1993Fujiki. N.・Macer. D. R. J.編Eubios Ethics Institute- [書誌]
cn4-947654-06-6 沖縄社会経済要覧玉盛映聿編著りゅうぎん国際化振興財団- [書誌]
cn9784130260428 State and Society in China; Japanese Perspectives on Ming-Qing Social and Economic HistoryGrove.Linda・Daniels.C.編東京大学出版会- [書誌]
cn9784130470674 Japanese Economy and Society under Pax-Americana渋谷博・丸山真人・矢坂雅充編東京大学出版会- [書誌]
cn9784130681377 Health and Illness in Changing Japanese Society園田恭一東京大学出版会- [書誌]
cn9784263401125 歯学概論総山孝雄医歯薬出版 [書誌]
cn9784269120105 New Society.TheCarr.E.H.英宝社 [書誌]
cn9784269160125 Society and Values in the United StatesLuedtke.Luther S.英宝社 [書誌]
cn9784269170155 Japanese.The; SocietyReischauer.E.O.英宝社 [書誌]
cn9784269420342 Health and Society Today有村兼彬・園部治之他編英宝社 [書誌]
cn9784271101475 Open Society.TheAllen.J.大阪教育図書Contemporary English Series 47 [書誌]
cn9784327384371 中・上級用日本語テキスト 日本の社会と経済を読む東照二・小川邦彦・西蔭浩子研究社- [書誌]
cn9784431700401 How Should Elderly Hypertensive Patients Be Treated?; Proceedings of Satellite Symposium to the 12th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension.May 1988.KyotoOmae.T.・Zanchetti.A.編シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京(イースタン・ブック・サーヴィス) [書誌]
cn9784431700609 Trace Elements in Clinical Medicine; Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the International Society for Trace Elements Research in Humans.August 1989.TokyoTomita.H.編シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京(イースタン・ブック・サーヴィス) [書誌]
cn9784431701217 Recent Advances in Diseases of the Esophagus; Selected Papers in 5th World Congress of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus.Kyoto.Japan.1992Nabeya.K.・Hanaoka.T.・Nogami.H.編シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京(イースタン・ブック・サーヴィス) [書誌]
cn9784538760964 White Paper on Labour 1996; Coping with Structural Changes in Economic Society through Fostering of Human Resources and Utilization of Their AbilitiesMinistry of Labour.The編日本労働研究機構- [書誌]
cn9784755303074 American Society Up-to-Date; Audio-Visual English with 15 News Topics安吉逸季編著音羽書房鶴見書店- [書誌]
cn9784764736108 Japan and the World; Issues in Contemporary SocietySilva.A.金星堂- [書誌]
cn9784764737075 Science.Technology and SocietyHodgson.Peter金星堂- [書誌]
cn9784770009593 Day Man Lost.The; Hiroshima.6 August 1945 (Paper)Pacific War Research Society編Kodansha International- [書誌]
cn9784770019950 Straitjacket Society (Paper)Miyamoto.MasaoKodansha International- [書誌]
cn9784789008952 日本を話そう〔第2版〕日鉄ヒューマンデベロプメント・日本外国語専門学校ジャパンタイムズ- [書誌]
cn9784791912490 Language in SocietyWardhaugh(R)成美堂- [書誌]
cn9784791940547 Progress in Our World; Technology.Environment and Societyアラム(ポール・H)・山村三郎成美堂- [書誌]
cn9784797221718 企業活動の刑事規制松原英世信山社出版Low & Society Debut Series 1 [書誌]
cn9784797230833 Legal Cultures in Human Society千葉正士信山社出版- [書誌]
cn9784803411744 Controversial Issues in Modern Society高野嘉明・人見憲司・高野由美子編注鷹書房弓プレス(弓プレス) [書誌]
cn9784805304891 Japanese SocietyNakane.C.C.E.TuttleTUT Books [書誌]
cn9784834101676 Self & Society仲野良俊編真宗大谷派宗務所出版部- [書誌]
cn9784841114812 Face of America. People and Society永田俊正・Branch.S.編著山口書店- [書誌]
cn9784874242452 Studies in Language Sciences 2Shirai Yasuhiro・Kobayashi Harumi・Shirai Hidetoshi編くろしお出版- [書誌]
cn9784877981099 子どもたちにアムネスティをAsianPeople'sFriendshipSociety編現代人文社- [書誌]
cn9784882615491 The Japanese Society(ザ・ジャパニーズ・ソサエティ)中野秀一郎信山社出版- [書誌]
cn9784883190126 Gates to Japan: Its People and Society、 2nd Rev.Ed.板坂元スリーエーネットワーク- [書誌]
cn9784883610587 Cuiture in a Giobal Societyフォルカー(グレイク・アラン)三恵社- [書誌]
cn9784889070194 Deciding the Public Good: Governance and Civil Society in JapanYamamoto.Tadashi編日本国際交流センター- [書誌]
cn9784889070514 Role of Civil Society in Domestic and International Governance、 TheAsia Pacific Agenda Project・Japan Center for International Exchange編日本国際交流センターThe JCIE Papers-29 [書誌]
cn9784889960426 How to Draw Manga 1Society for the Study of Manga Techniques日本出版貿易(グラフィック社) [書誌]
cn9784889960440 How to Draw Manga 2Society for the Study of Manga Techniques日本出版貿易(グラフィック社) [書誌]
cn9784889960457 How to Draw Manga 3Society for the Study of Manga Techniques日本出版貿易(グラフィック社) [書誌]
cn9784896561104 Society.Economics.and Politics in Pre-Angkor Cambodia.The 7th-8th CenturiesVickery.Michaelユネスコ東アジア文化研究センターCEACS Monographs 8 [書誌]
cn9784896569087 Home Bound.Studies in East Asian Society中根千枝・喬健編ユネスコ東アジア文化研究センターCEACS Monographs 5 [書誌]
cn9784899890508 Dialectic of Praxis黒田寛一あかね図書販売(解放社) [書誌]
cn9784899890591 On Organizing Praxis.The Revolutionary Marxist Movement in Postwar Japan黒田寛一あかね図書販売(解放社) [書誌]
cn9784899890652 Studies on Marxism in postwar Japan黒田寛一あかね図書販売(解放社) [書誌]
cn9784906472215 Japanese Society. The中野秀一郎ライフリサーチプレス- [書誌]
cn9784915988141 Art & SocietyKinoshita. Yukiko青磁書房- [書誌]
cn9784946478024 Intractable Neurological Disorders. Human Genome Research and Society; Proceedings of the Third International Bioethics Seminar in Fukui. Japan. 19-21 November. 1993Fujiki. N.・Macer. D. R. J.編Eubios Ethics Institute- [書誌]
cn9784947654069 沖縄社会経済要覧玉盛映聿編著りゅうぎん国際化振興財団- [書誌]
a0045n4881-56458-027-X North American Birdfeeder Handbook(Nationa Audubon Society)Robert BurtonDorling Kindersley- [書誌]

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