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Jcode分類 / NDC分類 類目表(1次区分)/ NDC分類 綱目表(2次区分)

cn4-269-62010-2 Leaflets on Historical LinguisticsNational Council of Teachers of English編英宝社 [書誌]
cn4-307-25114-8 作業関連筋骨格系障害National Research Council原書金原出版- [書誌]
cn4-7639-6004-0 科学論文作成マニュアル(実習方式による)Council of Biology Editors編協同医書出版社- [書誌]
cn4-7700-2029-5 Bits and PiecesJapan Council of International SchoolsKodansha International- [書誌]
cn4-8180-0799-4 ファーストエイドとCPRNational Safety Council日本看護協会出版会- [書誌]
cn4-88907-055-9 Strengthening International Order: The Role of Asia-Europe Co-operationCouncil for Asia-Europe Cooperation・Japan Center for International Exchange編日本国際交流センター- [書誌]
cn4-88922-073-9 VDTワークと人間National Research Council編日本出版サービス- [書誌]
cn4-924753-23-8 Guide for Tsukuba Science City; Institutes & Organizations of Tsukuba Science CityPublic Relations Committee. Tsukuba Science City Liason Council for Promotion of Research Exchange監筑波出版会(丸善)- [書誌]
cn9784269620100 Leaflets on Historical LinguisticsNational Council of Teachers of English編英宝社 [書誌]
cn9784307251143 作業関連筋骨格系障害National Research Council原書金原出版- [書誌]
cn9784763960047 科学論文作成マニュアル(実習方式による)Council of Biology Editors編協同医書出版社- [書誌]
cn9784770020291 Bits and PiecesJapan Council of International SchoolsKodansha International- [書誌]
cn9784818007994 ファーストエイドとCPRNational Safety Council日本看護協会出版会- [書誌]
cn9784889070552 Strengthening International Order: The Role of Asia-Europe Co-operationCouncil for Asia-Europe Cooperation・Japan Center for International Exchange編日本国際交流センター- [書誌]
cn9784889220735 VDTワークと人間National Research Council編日本出版サービス- [書誌]
cn9784924753235 Guide for Tsukuba Science City; Institutes & Organizations of Tsukuba Science CityPublic Relations Committee. Tsukuba Science City Liason Council for Promotion of Research Exchange監筑波出版会(丸善)- [書誌]
-n7678-- バァフアウト 1993/秋 Vol.2 小山田圭吾BarfoutThe Cool Resistance Council- [書誌]
z9400-4-924952-04-a バァフアウト Vol.4 Spring1994 ダグラス・クープランドbar-f-outThe Cool Resistance Council- [書誌]

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