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cn4-431-70013-7 Computational Mechanics '86; Theory and ApplicationsYagawa.Genki・Atluri.S.N.編シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京(イースタン・ブック・サーヴィス) [書誌]
cn4-89483-003-5 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 47Yagawa.Genki・Hangai.Yasuhiko編北泉社Proceedings of the Japan National Congress for Applied Mechanics [書誌]
cn4-938424-56-8 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 44Yagawa. Genki・Kiya. M.編北泉社Proceedings of the Japan National Congress for Applied Mechanics [書誌]
cn4-938424-68-1 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 45Yagawa. Genki・Ohtsubo. Hideomi編北泉社Proceedings of the Japan National Congress for Applied Mechanics [書誌]
cn4-938424-80-0 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 46Yagawa. Genki・Miki. Chitoshi編北泉社Proceedings of the Japan National Congress for Applied Mechanics [書誌]
cn9784431700135 Computational Mechanics '86; Theory and ApplicationsYagawa.Genki・Atluri.S.N.編シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京(イースタン・ブック・サーヴィス) [書誌]
cn9784894830035 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 47Yagawa.Genki・Hangai.Yasuhiko編北泉社Proceedings of the Japan National Congress for Applied Mechanics [書誌]
cn9784938424565 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 44Yagawa. Genki・Kiya. M.編北泉社Proceedings of the Japan National Congress for Applied Mechanics [書誌]
cn9784938424688 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 45Yagawa. Genki・Ohtsubo. Hideomi編北泉社Proceedings of the Japan National Congress for Applied Mechanics [書誌]
cn9784938424800 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 46Yagawa. Genki・Miki. Chitoshi編北泉社Proceedings of the Japan National Congress for Applied Mechanics [書誌]

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